Mungu ni Mwema Ubrania commonly known as mnmubrania, is a company that was started in June 2017. The idea came about after having owned Kenya materials known as "Leso" in swahili, which were sent to me through a friend travelling from Kenya to Poland by my mother. I learnt how to sew through Youtube lessons on how to put a string into the needle and also how to rig and prepare the sewing machine ready for sewing. I borrowed the machine from my girlfriend's mum, who used to sew at her young age but put it aside due to her day to day work.
I practiced and practiced for a while with my old clothes then after i was confident enough i started sewing the Kenyan materials i had by learning how to make simple things like tote bags, dresses and headbands. I eventually thought i can turn it into a business since i was studying and the few moments i would get to spare i would sew to make some extra money.
The name came about when i was sewing my first Kenyan material, it had a saying "Mungu ni Mwema". That's where i got the name of the brand. I wish for more success to the brand as you explore around, i hope you will appreciate my labor and will purchase my items knowing the story of how it all began. At the moment i run the brand with my girlfriend who makes sure to reach people in the Polish community.
Thank you.
Yours sincere,
John Nthakyo Founder
Beata Bąk Co- Founder
Brand name inspiration.